Today’s Hours:  



octubre 13, 2017

You Can Help with Winter Warmth

You Can Help with Winter Warmth

It’s a tradition at Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic to decorate our Christmas tree in the front lobby with winter warmth. Mittens, hats, gloves, scarves and socks of all sizes, shapes and colors decorate our tree. Just before Christmas, our patients take what they need to stay warm from the tree as our gift to them.

Christmas may not be on your horizon yet, but it’s on ours. We would love donations of those winter items. If you can knit, crochet or sew, home-made articles are always a big hit with our patients. Be creative with patterns and colors. If you prefer shopping to knitting, maybe you could find a bargain on a scarf, hat or socks.

You can bring your donation to the Clinic and leave them with our front office staff, or you can contact Ashley Burnette at 865-774-7684 or for pickup.


Thanks! And Merry Christmas!

