CNB Gifts Mountain Hope Clinic

We continue to be grateful for the support of Citizens National Bank. President Jason Holliman (left) and Chief Executive Officer David Verble (right) of CNB presented Mountain Hope President-Elect Michael McCroskey and Executive Director Deborah Murph with $5,000 towards the expansion of Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic on May 15, 2020.
Servicios dentales

Mountain Hope is glad to announce we are now able to resume limited dental services. Call 865.774.7684 for appointments.
Monroeville Plays Concert to Benefit Mountain Hope Patients

On Friday, April 24, in the midst of the COVID-19 Crisis, Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic was blessed to be the beneficiary of a concert by local band Monroeville. A talented rock alternative bluegrass group well-known throughout East Tennessee, the band is fronted by Grammy-nominated Matt Munsey and his wife Brittany; the ensemble also features McCoy […]