Today’s Hours:  



octubre 6, 2016

Kaitlyn Baker Sings for Hope

Kaitlyn Baker Sings for Hope

Kaitlyn Baker and her band, and Mountain Hope volunteers after the show.
Kaitlyn Baker and her band, and Mountain Hope volunteers after the show.

Rising country star Kaitlyn Baker’s concert at The Island in Pigeon Forge on Sept. 23 doubled as a fund-raiser for Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic.

Our thanks go to the Pepper Palace, which sponsored the free event, and especially to Will Castro, who organized the details. We also wish to thank Ole Smoky Moonshine for providing the concert stage at their Barn at The Island and for promoting the concert. Our gratitude also goes to the generous Ms. Baker and her band, who supplied talent galore, and DJ Nightlife 305 of Nightlife Production, who hosted the event.

The concert was free to the public but a collection was taken for Mountain Hope. Helping in that effort were Clinic volunteers Ellen Crivellone, Lt. Eric Garner, George Hawkins, Baron Mayes, Missy Morris and Gregory Payne.

Our thanks go to everyone who contributed in any way, including Randy Bable, who edited the video; Alejandro Arismendy for photos, and give-away door prize donors: Speedwerkz, Dollywood, Rafting in the Smokies, Paula Deen’s Family Kitchens, Margaritaville, Aunt Bug’s Cabin Rentals, The Island, Ole Smoky Distillery, Governor’s Crossing Stadium 14 Cinema, Comedy Barn Theater and Hatfield & McCoy Dinner Theater.

We are indebted to the generosity of Pepper Palace and its CEO Craig Migawa and his family in making this event a benefit for the Clinic. As a non-profit that provides quality medical and dental care to Sevier County residents and employees with no health insurance, Mountain Hope depends on events such as this. Businesses that set up special events help us bridge the wide financial gap between the amount we charge our patients and the actual cost of each patient visit to the Clinic. Thank you to everyone involved.
