Today’s Hours:  



abril 6, 2020

A Message from our Executive Director:

A Message from our Executive Director:

We wish to assure patients and our community that we continue to provide healthcare to the uninsured of Sevier County during the COVID-19 situation. We are following the guidance of the Tennessee Department of Health, CDC, and our local Sevier County Health Department to prevent and address COVID-19. We have made necessary changes to our normal operations to protect staff and patients. While our parking lot appears to have fewer cars and the doors are locked for patient safety, we are here. We now offer telehealth visit options to allow patients to follow the “Safer at Home” order. Our providers will provide your care over the phone or with a live video. If you have an upcoming appointment, our staff will call to discuss the best telehealth option for you. If the provider decides you have medical needs requiring you to be seen at the Clinic, please call from your car when you arrive for visit instructions. We have fewer staff at the Clinic and our call volume has increased so we ask for your patience when trying to reach us. 

We understand the challenges of affordable care for those who are suddenly without jobs and insurance; we are here for you. We are opening up appointment availability to ensure we care for the urgent needs of existing and new patients. The weeks ahead may continue to be stressful and you may find yourself in need of emotional support; please allow us to help. Our team of servant hearts welcome the opportunity to care for you. Our prayers are for healing and strength for endurance as we manage this challenge together. 

-Deborah Murph, Executive Director, Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic
