Today’s Hours:  

8AM – 5PM


August 10, 2017

NASCAR Speedpark to Round Up for Mountain Hope

NASCAR Speedpark to Round Up for Mountain Hope

During the months of August and September, the NASCAR Speedpark in Sevierville will once again work to benefit Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic.

NASCAR Speedpark employees will ask visitors to the Sevierville attraction if they wish to add $1 to the price of admission to be donated to Mountain Hope.

A display near the admissions area will inform visitors about the Clinic and its mission, and NASCAR Speedpark employees can answer many questions about Mountain Hope and its work in the community.

The round-up program is sponsored by the Parc Foundation, the charitable arm of NASCAR Speedpark Smoky Mountains. Its mission is to strengthen children and communities by supporting organizations that relate to the mission while positively impacting the local community.

“We are excited about the partnership between the Speedpark and the Clinic,” said Ashley Burnette, director of fund development for the Clinic. “Not only will this activity raise funds for us, it will also increase our visibility in the community. We are so grateful for this opportunity.”
