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junio 1, 2016

Nascar Speedpark to Round Up for Mountain Hope

Nascar Speedpark to Round Up for Mountain Hope

IntimidatorTN_new_fullNascar Speedpark will again offer its visitors the option to “Round up for Mountain Hope” during the month of June, 2016.  Last year’s rounding up event at Nascar Speedpark’s Sevierville attraction was a rousing success and raised $2,696.20 for Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic.  Proceeds from the customers who choose to round up the cost of their admission prices to the next nearest dollar amount will again benefit those who live or work in Sevier County and depend on Mountain Hope Clinic for their medical and dental care.

With more than 21,000 patients of record, Mountain Hope Clinic serves the uninsured of Sevier County and must make up a deficit of approximately $65.00 per patient visit.  “Fundraisers like this one go a long way in providing medical and dental services for our patients,” said Mary Vance, Mountain Hope’s Executive Director, “We are grateful for Nascar Speedpark and all they do for our friends and neighbors, and–of course–we hope everyone visiting Nascar Speedpark during the month of June will support our ongoing work in Sevier County.”
