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8AM – 5PM


julio 26, 2016

Mountain Hope Clinic Says Goodbye to Dr. George Kirkpatrick

Mountain Hope Clinic Says Goodbye to Dr. George Kirkpatrick

Dr.-K-510x572 croppedWe are deeply saddened to relay the message that Dr. George Kirkpatrick, a beloved member of the Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic staff, has passed away.

Dr. George Kirkpatrick joined Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic in August of 2015.

Dr. Kirkpatrick, known to Mountain Hope volunteers and staff as “Dr. K.” was trained in comprehensive care and appreciated having time to spend with patients. In a recent interview he said, “It’s so good for me,” when asked of his work at Mountain Hope, “It’s the best move I’ve made in a long time.”

George Kirkpatrick grew up in Western Pennsylvania and attended the Air Force Academy, but after two years decided to focus on pre-med education at the prestigious Johns Hopkins University. He sold knives from door to door to pay for his education. Later, he studied at Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia (now part of Drexel University).

While he was completing his residency in Muncie, Ind. he earned his master’s degree in teaching. Later he moved to Chattanooga and practiced medicine in Athens, Tenn. for 15 years. In total, he practiced medicine for more than 40 years.

Dr. Kirkpatrick used his teaching qualifications by becoming an associate professor of family medicine in Chattanooga while working in Athens. Later he moved to Mobile, Ala. where he taught at the University of Southern Alabama. In Mobile, he switched to emergency room work, and it was there he met a nurse who– years later– would later tell him about Mountain Hope Clinic, where she began to work one day weekly after her retirement.

Dr. Kirkpatrick and his wife, Wanda, had moved to the Richardson’s Cove area.  Until recently, he worked Mondays and Fridays at the Clinic and continued his emergency room work in Mobile, Ala. two days a week, twice a month.

Dr. Kirkpatrick’s hobbies included saltwater fish, gardening and flowers, and he was always a welcome presence at Mountain Hope.

Please keep Dr. Kirkpatrick’s family in your continued prayers.
