Today’s Hours:  



Let’s Talk Month: 9 Tips for Better Communication with Your Child

October is celebrated as “Let’s Talk Month,” a time to emphasize the importance of effective communication between parents and their children. Here at Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic, we value family health, and believe that open and honest communication is the cornerstone of a strong parent-child relationship. It builds trust, fosters understanding, and helps children […]

Why Getting a Flu Shot is Especially Important This Year

It’s that time of year again! Fall has arrived, and following closely behind, flu season. Have you gotten your annual flu shot yet? Nearly every person ages 6 months and older needs to be vaccinated against the flu each year. While that’s what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends for every year, getting […]

Dental Services

Mountain Hope is glad to announce we are now able to resume limited dental services. Call 865.774.7684 for appointments.

New Horizons Class find new ways to help during COVID-19 Crisis

It has become a tradition for the New Horizons Discussion Class from First Baptist Church of Sevierville to visit Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic on occasion to bless patients by paying the nominal fee often regularly charged for their visits. In addition, the Class provides lunch for the staff and offers a gift bag containing […]

Ole Smoky’s Jars & Jams Virtual Concert for Mountain Hope

Ole Smoky Distillery continues a longstanding tradition of great live entertainment with this week’s Jars & Jams Virtual Concert Series event to benefit Mountain Hope Good Shepherd Clinic, a medical and dental clinic serving the uninsured. We invite you to join us for family-friendly rock-alternative bluegrass music with Monroeville from the comfort of your home. […]
