The late Marian Oates was in many ways the perfect volunteer. She supported the clinic financially, she volunteered her considerable organizational skills, she attended clinic events and she left the clinic a large legacy in her will.
Marian was a schoolteacher who later held the position of director of the Tanasi Council of the Girl Scouts until her retirement. Her involvement in community affairs is legendary. Mountain Hope is just one of the many Sevier County non-profits that benefited from her generous gifts of time, talent and treasure.
She was an enthusiastic supporter of the Clinic soon after the dream of Dr. Alyene Reese and Sue Ellen Riddle came to fruition. She played a large role in the early phases of the Clinic, and put her leadership skills to work an early board member and later as board president.
She supported the Clinic financially and on her death in July 2009 she bequeathed $40,000 to it. We owe Marian a deep debt of gratitude for all that she accomplished for the Clinic and the Sevier County community.